Commentary on Political Economy

Friday 31 January 2020


Venice was once a thriving and powerful empire whose wealth was derived from the earliest form of capitalist enterprise as distinct from capitalist industry – merchant capitalism. Indeed, the earliest use of the word for capitalist introduced by Cantillon was “entre-preneur”, which meant literally in French “taker-between”, in reference to a merchant who buys low and sells dear, thereby making a profit from trade.

Of course, once industrial capitalism took over, merchant capitalism was doomed and Venice relinquished its supremacy to the great capitalist industrial nation-states of the North, from Britain, to France, and then Germany. Ever since, lacking the ability for industrial production through the exploitation of living labour, Venice fell back increasingly on tourism as its only “industry”.
And tourism is the reason why Venice is irreparably sinking into the Lagoon – sinking physically and metaphorically. – Because, you see, tourism is not an “industry”. Tourism does not produce anything; it merely uses what is already available and cannot be increased or even improved. Tourism is mere hospitality – menial service, sheer slavery, servitude. And Venetians are sinking into servitude because tourism is a “passive” service that corrodes Venetians by lulling them into passivity, inaction, servility and laziness – and then tourism also corrupts because once tourism makes people dependent on the charity of tourists, the only way for Venetians to increase their incomes is either by cutting costs – which leads to inferior service and lower quality tourism, or by fraudulent cheating and gambling, which again leads to inferior tourism and the spread of parasitic activities such as drug dealing and gambling, prostitution and what have you.

The biggest corruptors of Venetians are Han Chinese rats. These inferior forms of lowlife, these parasitic all-devouring locusts come to Venice in loads and loads of tour buses on flights sponsored by the Communist Chinese Dictatorship. They stay in hotels run by Chinese Rats who promptly remit all earnings back to the Chinese Ratland, with little gain for Italians and Venetians particularly.

The Communist Chinese Dictatorship encourages and sponsors this form of tourism purely for ideological propagandistic reasons. Chinese tourism on the part of millions of Communist Party members serves to encourage the party loyalty of these vile miserable henchmen because it makes them feel superior to Venetians who ought to know better.

The same can be said of all Chinese Rat tourism in all parts of the world. – Which is why Western democracies must stop immediately this propagandistic practice from the Butchers of Beijing and tell Han Chinese Rats that they are NOT WELCOME in our democracies!

The vile genocidal Han Chinese Rat Race is all the more dangerous for the entire planet because of its peculiar cultural and instinctive features. Culturally, the Han Chinese have regard only to their closest family members, in particular their progeny, sons and daughters. For the sake of preserving their blood line, there is no crime, however horrific and inhuman, no sin, however demeaning and disgusting, that this virulent Rat Race will not commit, even against their own people! Again, this is true at a cultural and at an instinctive level: cultural explanations do not and cannot suffice to explain the execrable behaviour of Han Chinese Rats toward other people and even toward their own! Ultimately, this is behaviour that has an instinctive source - which is why all other populations must watch against these revolting beasts!

It is a well-known and easily observable fact that Han Chinese Rats do not regard all human beings as being equal. For the Han Chinese Rats, political and economic power and status are the only measure of the worth of a human life, In other words, the worth of a human life is measured in the ability of a Han Chinese Rat to be able to dominate other people, no matter what their race or origin. 

Unlike Christians, Han Chinese Rats believe that human beings are not "equal before God"! The only measure of human worth for these execrable Rats is the amount of Wealth and Influence and Power that they can summon and muster and command! It is this Will to Power that makes these mephitic maggots so nefariously deleterious and pernicious - and all the more reason why we, Westerners above all, must bring them to their knees so as to limit and circumscribe the harm that they can wreak on all humanity!

These parasitic rodents still have not got over the undeniable fact that the greatest source of human civilization is Judaeo-Christian. They spare no time of day to curse the fate that has reduced them to their historically inferior status. Instead of joining the Occident in its mission to pacify existence on Earth, Han Chinese Rats seek to revise all human history, inventing fabled stories of how they invented the wheel, fireworks, noodles, and even sand-paper! - Which, of course, serves only to render them even more despicably risible and contemptible in the eyes of educated Westerners and all other people the world over!

Enough venom, now. We Westerners, as the noblest and most humanely progressive culture this world has ever seen, must be consciously proud and relentlessly active in defending and imposing our values on all humans that would seek to undermine them, against the interests of humanity itself. We must be more than alert and watchful; more than defensively armed. We must actively and indefatigably operate to impose our Western Civilized Universal Values on all those virulent and noxious peoples that would seek to undermine them so as to impose their Oppressive Genocidal Partizan greed, avidity, rapacity and inhumanity on the rest of the Human Race!

Fight the Han Chinese Rat with all the might and resolve and courage and conviction that we mustered to repel and dispel and ultimately crush the barbarism of the Hun Nazi Dictatorship only a few short decades ago! We must have the Audacity to Believe in our Values of Humanity and Freedom! Amen!

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